Tuesday, April 28, 2009

How do i look after a Jewel Orchid?

My boyfriend bought me a Jewel Orchid as a gift and i have never looked after plants apart from Cactus, which in all fairness don't need looking after.

does anyone have any tips for looking after this type of orchid or orchid in general?

I.E... how do i water them, how many times a day, best place to keep them etc.

Thanks in advance

How do i look after a Jewel Orchid?
Place your "Jewel Orchid" in bright filtered light. Avoid placing your plant in an area with cold drafts or to near a cold window. Your "Jewel Orchid" should produce 3 to 5 flower spikes once a year between November and January. Check for watering weekly allowing the surface of the soil to dry. Feed bi-monthly with Orchid Food. Stem cuttings can be rooted in a container of water or vermiculite.
Reply:Well Orchids are very easy to maintain, keep them away from cold weather and away from direct sunlight. I keep mine outside but i live in Malaysia but they love this weather they grow like never before, well I water them once a week and i soak the lower part of the pot in water for half an hour every now and then and spray them every 3- 4 days. Also put organic sheep fertilizer in it and charcoal is very important, and good luck. Hope it works with you.

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